Our Bloopers Playlist

Oh, hello! 

Blogging is sadly not a thing we have time for these days. But I randomly just put a playlist together of the tunes we have used on our Insta bloopers reels; Dan and I always seem to find ourselves racking our brains for a track that has the correct pacing (upbeat, fun), we both like (not too hard to be fair) and that we haven't used before... Suggestions on a postcard please.

We inevitably suggest something we have previously used, so I decided to make a list. List? Why not a PLAYlist I thought. Genius, if I do say so myself.

We plan to add to it every month we do a new post. I just thought I'd stick it here in case anyone fancied having a listen! It's not in any particular order, it's just a dump, so do feel free to shuffle.

Not got a clue what I'm on about? Head over to our Insta Feed, scroll back through our reels and you'll find some really candid behind-the-scenes footage of our antics at the shop. Set to music. We call them our #berylunebloopers 

Thanks for reading! See you soon
