We're not sure how this happened, but...


You read correctly my friend, it's been 10 years since we opened our wee shop around the corner on Park St. Berylune came in to being the same year as the UK hosted our 3rd Olympics and the Queen celebrated her Diamond Jubilee. A decade on and many things have changed - what we sell, who we are, where we live. Queenie is going platinum, we've added some much-loved people to our team, we've moved shops, we've survived a pandemic...

So, how are you going celebrate?


I'm glad you asked! On Saturday 14th May, 2022, we’ll be hosting Berylune’s First Summer Fete! The door marked ‘Private’ at the back of our store will be completely open to the public for a whole day; you are cordially invited to roam around our whole building (almost!), enjoying refreshments at Ellie’s Lemonade Stand, competing in our first Post Room Olympics, perusing Daisy’s Popup Plant Shop, having fun in Dan’s Photo Booth, adding your stamp to Anya’s Art Installation, winning prizes in the Tombola giveaway to end all Tombola giveaways, and much more!



When is this fantastic-sounding event? Saturday 14th May, 2022.

Where is Berylune's Summer Fete going to be held? At our shop, of course! You might not realise, but 100 Warwick Street is actually a 3 storey building, with a maze of rooms to play in.

Can I bring my family/other half/well behaved dog? Of course! However, please be aware that our building does span three levels, so there are a number of steps to traverse. This will make visiting with a buggy difficult and we don't really have space to park them on the shop floor.

Do I need to pay to get in? Nope! This is a completely free event. However, there will be a Plant Pop Up Shop in addition to our usual (amazing) offering, as well as some special promotions on the day, so don't leave your pocket money at home!

Do I need a ticket? Nope! If we become overwhelmed, we might initiate a queuing system of some sort, but the entire event will be on a first come, first served basis.

How long can we expect to be entertained when visiting? We’ll be open all day (10-5:30pm), but anticipate most visitors will spend between 15 minutes and half an hour taking part in our various activities. Of course, if you get chatting to one of our founders, or become engrossed by the atmosphere, you might find yourself here a little longer. If you're a larger group or come at a busy period, you may have to wait to have a turn at everything. As this is not a ticketed event, we have no idea what footfall to expect!

I'm not from here, what on earth is a Fete? It's like a mini-festival. Traditionally in the UK, villages will host a Fete in order to raise funds for something local, like a new village hall or a church roof. People bring their home grown vegetables and baked goods to be judged, they play silly games that involve bludgeoning something resembling a rat, they enjoy a cup of tea on an uncomfortable bale of straw, they throw balls at coconuts and buy a slice of cake that is either delicious or terrible and nothing in between. Sometimes, you get really lucky and find a troupe of middle aged folk with bells on their fingers and toes. We're doing our own take on this, but we're not raising any money, our refreshments and tombola tickets won't cost you a penny, we don't want to see your vegetables, we'll have no bells on, and it's all indoors, so rain won't be a problem. However, if you bring us cake, we will likely eat it. We'll even judge it for you if you insist.

I can't make it to Leamington, will I miss out on the fun completely? Would we leave you out?! We'll think of something, watch this space!